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QR Module Required

QR Code Module Required, EVO one, Toyota Corolla 2020, key start? So What should I do, or just ignore the message ? my module is SEP/2020.


Rfk 912 antenna

I have rfk912 kit with antenna, the antenna led usually gives blue light, but sometimes specially when the car is left for a while , when i come back i find it very faint red color? What does this means ?


The activation code that came with my product , said it has been used, Help?

Activation code that came with my new product said it has been used. How do I get a new code to access the app??


Toyota akm (850Pts.)


Evo-start2 application on new mobile to start vehicle (code generation)

Hi, I have installed evo-start2 app on my cell phone and is working fine. Just want to know how to generate code to install on my wife's mobile. It seems i can't find code generation on app. Please let me know.


Toyota akm (850Pts.)


Evo-start2 application on new mobile to start vehicle (code generation)

Hi, I have installed evo-start2 app on my cell phone and is working fine. Just want to know how to generate code to install on my wife's mobile. It seems i can't find code generation on app. Please let me know.


cant access my wire colors after entering key

i entrered the key and it said my info was unlocked and press continue. when i clicked on continue it brings me back to page that says info is locked....


cant access my wire colors after entering key

i entrered the key and it said my info was unlocked and press continue. when i clicked on continue it brings me back to page that says info is locked....

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