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2012 Dodge Caravan blue led doesn't flash

2012 Dodge Grand Caravan Stand alone install with CHR4. yellow wire connected but module still doesnt see ignition (no blue led flash) Hardware 7.0 Firmware 59.02 S/N 001A07 219238


my activation key has timed out before i could get it installed in my 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan standard key


my activation key has timed out before i could get it installed in my 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan standard key


the leds do not flash they stay lit???2016 dodge grand carvan


Dodge Brett (200Pts.)


EVOALL EVO-CHRT4 not programming correctly after installation

Installing an EVO-CHRT 4 in a 2012 Dodge Ram pickup. After initial installation (connection of T-harness), unit does not finish programming procedure correctly. On first attempt during Step 4 of the programming procedure the blue LED remained lit with no flashing after key was turned to ACC and then turned off after turning key to ON/RUN. All lights remained off after turning key to OFF again. Remote start did not work. Repeated steps 1-3 three times with same result on Step 4/5. After reading through help forums, saw the recommendation to reset the unit in case it had been previously programmed for another vehicle. This was done by programming to the red light on step 2 and then holding the program button until all three lights flashed. Now, unit performs normally through Steps 1-3 but now flashes all three lights when turning key to ON, and does so more than three times. The continuity was checked with a voltemeter and there is no loss of power or ground on the 4 pin data connector. This isn't surprising considering this only occurred after resetting the unit. My best guess is the firmware was reset as well, but my understanding is that then the lights should only flash three times. Thank you, Brett


Dodge Brett (200Pts.)


EVOALL EVO-CHRT4 not programming correctly after installation

Installing an EVO-CHRT 4 in a 2012 Dodge Ram pickup. After initial installation (connection of T-harness), unit does not finish programming procedure correctly. On first attempt during Step 4 of the programming procedure the blue LED remained lit with no flashing after key was turned to ACC and then turned off after turning key to ON/RUN. All lights remained off after turning key to OFF again. Remote start did not work. Repeated steps 1-3 three times with same result on Step 4/5. After reading through help forums, saw the recommendation to reset the unit in case it had been previously programmed for another vehicle. This was done by programming to the red light on step 2 and then holding the program button until all three lights flashed. Now, unit performs normally through Steps 1-3 but now flashes all three lights when turning key to ON, and does so more than three times. The continuity was checked with a voltemeter and there is no loss of power or ground on the 4 pin data connector. This isn't surprising considering this only occurred after resetting the unit. My best guess is the firmware was reset as well, but my understanding is that then the lights should only flash three times. Thank you, Brett


Dodge Brett (200Pts.)


EVOALL EVO-CHRT4 not programming correctly after installation

Installing an EVO-CHRT 4 in a 2012 Dodge Ram pickup. After initial installation (connection of T-harness), unit does not finish programming procedure correctly. On first attempt during Step 4 of the programming procedure the blue LED remained lit with no flashing after key was turned to ACC and then turned off after turning key to ON/RUN. All lights remained off after turning key to OFF again. Remote start did not work. Repeated steps 1-3 three times with same result on Step 4/5. After reading through help forums, saw the recommendation to reset the unit in case it had been previously programmed for another vehicle. This was done by programming to the red light on step 2 and then holding the program button until all three lights flashed. Now, unit performs normally through Steps 1-3 but now flashes all three lights when turning key to ON, and does so more than three times. The continuity was checked with a voltemeter and there is no loss of power or ground on the 4 pin data connector. This isn't surprising considering this only occurred after resetting the unit. My best guess is the firmware was reset as well, but my understanding is that then the lights should only flash three times. Thank you, Brett


Dodge Brett (200Pts.)


EVOALL EVO-CHRT4 not programming correctly after installation

Installing an EVO-CHRT 4 in a 2012 Dodge Ram pickup. After initial installation (connection of T-harness), unit does not finish programming procedure correctly. On first attempt during Step 4 of the programming procedure the blue LED remained lit with no flashing after key was turned to ACC and then turned off after turning key to ON/RUN. All lights remained off after turning key to OFF again. Remote start did not work. Repeated steps 1-3 three times with same result on Step 4/5. After reading through help forums, saw the recommendation to reset the unit in case it had been previously programmed for another vehicle. This was done by programming to the red light on step 2 and then holding the program button until all three lights flashed. Now, unit performs normally through Steps 1-3 but now flashes all three lights when turning key to ON, and does so more than three times. The continuity was checked with a voltemeter and there is no loss of power or ground on the 4 pin data connector. This isn't surprising considering this only occurred after resetting the unit. My best guess is the firmware was reset as well, but my understanding is that then the lights should only flash three times. Thank you, Brett


Dodge M S2 (130Pts.)


Vehicle won't stay running after the Evo-All start the van, it runs for about 2 seconds. 2011 Dodge Grand caravan

Vehichle won't stay running. I have updated it and used C1 and D1 enabled. If I bypass the key it will stay running but that would be a annoying having to lock the van two times to turn the engine off. I have the hood part installed and the yellow wire hooked up too. The OEM key does everything else I just wanted the remote start.


Cannot get blue led in 2009 Grand Caravan

I cannot get the programming step. I have the t harness plugged in and the two yellow wires connect together like many tutorials? Is this incorrect? He do not want any other functions other than remote start.


Evo CHRT4 and RF642W

I have installed Evo CHRT4 in my Grand Caravan 2018 with OEM key and it's working great. The CHRT4 was flashed for RF. I am now trying to install RF642W using RFA2A following steps on installation guide. As per the last step on installation guide, I did press & release (-) AND press & release (lock) on RF642w fob, but on CHRT4 it did NOT blink RED and BLUE LED, instead the RED, BLUE, YELLOW LEDs stayed solid on. The fob would sound and show green light [after I press & release (-) and press & release (lock)]. The antenna LED fast blinks (BLUE). I checked wires and everything was good. Can someone help me resolve this? Thank you in advance.


Dodge 2 (130Pts.)


Evo CHRT4 and RF642W 2-Way LED

Hi, I just bought Evo CHRT4 and now I am looking to install RF642W 2-Way LED. I wanted to make sure that RF642W 2-Way LED is compatible with EVO CHRT$. Could you please confirm? Thank you. Bhavik


Installed EVO-CHRT4 not working.

Installed this remote starter. Got to the flashing blue light when ignition turned on. Turned ignition off and pressed the lock button. Pressed the lock button 3x and nothing. Tried lock-unlock-lock with same result.


Installed EVO-CHRT4 not working.

Installed this remote starter. Got to the flashing blue light when ignition turned on. Turned ignition off and pressed the lock button. Pressed the lock button 3x and nothing. Tried lock-unlock-lock with same result.


2016 Dodge Grand Caravan Headlight Switch Issues.

I installed the EVO-CHRT4 unit in my 2016 Grand Caravan with no issues, but now my Headlights are always on when the car is running. The Headlight Switch does not work and does not even light up as it should at night. My install was just the T harness with no additional modifications. Never even touched the Headlight Switch. Any idea what's going on? All help is greatly appreciated.


What to do with d1 yellow wire

Where do I splice in the D1 wire the instruction say to make connection and the other end says cut ignition do I tie in d1 into the yellow wire of the t harness female plug and tape off the other end of it that leads to t harness male plug?


starts then shuts off

i have a 2010 dodge ram 1500, 3X lock starts it up and then it shuts off after a few seconds. read other posts and messed around with some options but still shuts down after start. i used the chrt4 harness with the evo all..


How do I know if D1 and C1 are enabled?

I thought I bought the stand-alone unit, but vehicle is not starting. The unit seemed to program correctly. I press the lock button 3 times on the factory remote and the blue light flashes on the unit each time the lock button is pressed, but then I get nothing.


Blue light not flashing on Evo-chrt4 setup in 2012 dodge grand caravan

Blue light goes out but does not flash when turning on ignition. Yellow wire connected together. Directions from other troubleshooting say the bus wires are are reversed. Do I modify the t-harness to fix this problem? I have the programmer and ref lashed the unit.


evo all avec dodge grand caravan 2008

Reformulation de mes questions :

La programmation a été bien passé de 1 à 6

La voiture a demarré la premiere fois et s'arrete automatique (environ 1 minute)

J'ai demarré 2e fois et reussi  mais il ne s'arrete jamais (J'ai debranché avec port data link pour l'arreter). et jai remarqué que la DEL jaune reste allumé. Le module ne se programme plus (s'arrete au 3e etape : LED bleu s'éteind quand je branche les connecteurs restants) : conflits avec fil jaune A1 et D3 (ils sont relié directe par T-HARNAIS)

Mes 3 questions : 1) Est qu'il y avait un mauvais branchement ou juste des fils mal connectés ?

ou Est ce qu'il est possible evo all demarre qd meme la voiture avec mauvaise branchement ? ou demarrage reussi = bon branchement

Remarque : quelqes ports sont lousses (pas tres bien serré), je vais les ressouder . Ils sont solides maintenant

2) Pouvez-vous me dire quel ports ou pins supportent plus de courant pendant le processus de demarrage ? Cela m'aide a les bien fixer ou ajouter fusible

3) Dans le logiciel ou boot de l'unité evo all, est ce qu'il y a un système de blocage automatioque (necessitant un code special pour le debloquer) en cas de detection de certains commandes inconnues (par ex : connecteurs bougent peuvent lui generer des commandes non conformes).

DODGE grand caravan 2008


1er demarrage EVO ALL autonome reussi

Etat avec EVO ALL stand alone : La programmation a été bien passé de 1 à 6 La voiture a demarré la premiere fois et s'arrete automatique (environ 1 minute) J'ai demarré 2e fois et reussi mais il ne s'arrete jamais (J'ai debranché avec port data link pour l'arreter). et jai remarqué que la DEL jaune reste allumé. Le module ne se programme plus (s'arrete au 3e etape : LED bleu s'éteind quand je branche les connecteurs restants) Mes 3 questions : 1) Est qu'il y avait un mauvais branchement ou juste des fils mal connectés ? Remarque : quelqes ports sont lousses (pas tres bien serré), je vais les ressouder . 2) Pouvez-vous me dire quel ports ou pins supportent plus de courant pendant le processus de demarrage ? 3) Dans le logiciel ou boot de l'unité evo all, est ce qu'il y a un système de blocage automatioque (necessitant un code special pour le debloquer) en cas de detection de certains commandes inconnues (par ex : connecteurs bougent peuvent lui generer des commandes non conformes).


Demarrage autonome avec EVO CHRT4

J'ai acheté la semaine derniere EVO all avec CHRT4 ( Hardware Vr 6 et Firmware 4.18 ). Je l'ai installé moi même et j'ai choisi STAND ALONE comme essayage : Programmation : tout est correct avec telecommande d'origine ( LED bleu s'eteint). Mais, la voiture DODGE caravan 2008 ne demarre pas avec mon lock x3. Le module reconnait bien ma clé (LED bleu clignote chaque commande : lock ou unlock) . et LED jaune allumé que la voiture est demmarée (a la main). Est ce juste un probleme de version du logiciel ? Peux-je changer la version en 4.25 ? Merci


My grand caravan 2015 sensor Gate on and all the lights on after the installation of evo-all

After the installation of the Evo-All CHRT4, my Dodge Caravan 2015 have the GATE indicator on on the dashboard and all the internal lights on too. What can I do?


My grand caravan 2015 sensor Gate on and all the lights on after the installation of evo-all

After the installation of the Evo-All CHRT4, my Dodge Caravan 2015 have the GATE indicator on on the dashboard and all the internal lights on too. What can I do?

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