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EVO ONE - 2014 RAV4 - My car only start, but cannot stop by 3x Lock button.

Fortin website comment on EVO-ONE : "The module will monitor the OEM remote for 3X Lock and will start or stop the automatic transmission vehicle through High Power Outputs or data." and "Pressing the LOCK button 3 times (3X Lock) on the OEM remote will activate or deactivate the remote starter. "

=> But my car - 2014 RAV4 only start, but cannot stop by 3x Lock button.

Thank you,


2015 Tundra Evo One alarm/horn goes off every few starts. Not everytime. D2 is enabled

Also not able to unlock with OEM fob during remote start session. Blue led will flash twice when unlock is pressed but nothing happens.


2014 Tundra alarm goes off when 3x lock to start with Evo-One.

The truck starts but when it does the alarm goes off. When it does this, it disables factory remote and you have to use the key to unlock the door. Also, all of the dash lights come on and stay on until you kill the engine and restart. Installed 9 months ago and has been working fine until now.


The FOB that came with my EVO-ONE will not program?

The unit is detected by the vehicle and the valet button make the parking lights flash but when I hit the (-) button then the lock button like the instructions say it never programs.

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