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2017 Impreza orbit one Evo-All came in car used

Bought a used car with “Orbit One remote starter & alarm & bypass module”

Starter Vr: 7.1.21 , Evo-All Vr: 4.18

Serice No: 002B07 323505

Was bought without a remote start key, wondering if I am able to program a new key, or remove the entire system and have done by dealer


Subaru G M (16320Pts.)


2015 impreza

The car is Japanese, right-hand drive. I installed the evo-one and it worked, but after a while it stopped working. The engine will start and shut off shortly. The immobilizer LED flashes on the panel...


Subaru G M (16320Pts.)


Right hand drive 2012 Impreza PTS engine started

Imo-data turned out to be a yellow wire in the connector where the starter wire and ON2 are. I connected the light blue wire with a black stripe to the side of the car. And the brown wire next to the yellow one, I cut (it interfered). On the red connector of the evo-one I connected a relay with a pair of contacts and with this relay I opened these yellow and brown wires. After entering the car, it was necessary to press the start-stop button twice.


Vehicle locks itself after couple of seconds, when I exit.

I installed Evo-one with RFK411 on my 2012 Subaru Impreza Standard key manual transmission. Everything works fine but When I exit the vehicle after parking following the ready mode sequence:

     Vehicle keeps running even when I take the key off of the ignition barrel and it shuts off only when I shut the door after exiting.

            Is it possible to turn off the vehicle with the key without exiting the door?

     The door locks itself after couple of seconds.

           Is it possible to keep the vehicle unlocked when I exit even after the ready mode is activated. and I should have to lock it manually form the remote? Incase I forget the keys in                 the car.

P.S. : I've read Active and Passive Alarm and starter kill function. Is there anything to do with that?

Thanks in advance.


2016 Impreza DCRYPTOR Programming Procedure not working

2016 Subaru Impreza, Thar-One-Sub1 Standard key. Auto Transmission All programming and firmweare updates appear to be correct. When doing the DCRYPTOR Programming Procedure at step 5 the lights do not blink. Red and Blue remain solid.


THAR-ONE-SUB2 on US 2015 Subaru Impreza guide

It appears this particular T-harness isn't as plug and play as it is compared to T-harnesses for other makes and models. Does anyone have a guide to locate the plugs for this car? The guide only helps so much because it's not made for use with the T-harness and none of the plugs it points to fit the harness except 1A. Any inputs or available guides for this particular T-harness would be helpful.


connection E1 is made and the rest of the wire is left unused?

for guide 35051, connection e1 doesnt show a continuation arrow, does this mean the rest of the oem wire is unused?


both ble and red lights stay on in step 5

i cant make it passed step 5 for my subaru impreza 2019. the lights stay solidly illuminated and dont let me process any further. i have checked all connections and everything is correctly put together.


Retained Accessory Power (RAP) on 2019 Subaru Impreza Key Start

I successfully installed the Evo One on my 2019 Subaru Impreza Manual Key start . The one thing I can’t figure out is how to kill the Retained Accessory Power (RAP) when ready mode is engaged and the car shuts off after the door is closed. The documentation shows something about a Dark blue wire to pin A17, but A17 was used for the security led. It’s not the end of the world but it would be nice if there was an easy way to get the radio to turn off when the door is closed in reservation mode and the car shuts down.


Heat not working when remote started turns on after key takeover

Hello, I have a 2016 impreza with standard key ,using evo one remote start works fine but the heat doesn't work. It will go on for a second after starting but then shuts off, it turns back on when I put key in ignition , before I press the brake. Any ideas? Thank you


Disable Unlock Confirmation Horn

I installed an EVO-ONE on my 2016 Subaru Impreza (key) using the T-Harness. Everything is working well so far but just learning the system so far. On the Subaru, to unlock the door on the OEM fob, you hit unlock once for the drivers door and unlock a second time to unlock all doors. On the RF kit with the FTX-64-2W fobs, if I hit unlock once, the drivers door unlocks. If I hit it again, the horn honks twice and unlocks all the doors. I believe Subaru does the 1 unlock driver/2 unlock all, whereas the EVO-ONE thinks that I want to do a confirmation unlock. Is there a way to disable the confirmation unlock? I don't know if I can flip function 12 to mode 2 so that it thinks I have a siren and will output nothing. But since I am using the T-Harness, I'm a bit worried that if I do that, it may activate or do something to the "Ignition2", whatever that may be, since I'm using the T-Harness. The other option is to cut the horn wire, but I don't feel like digging under the dash again. Thanks!


Subaru hatch release not working over CAN

It looks like the hatch release on 2009 Subaru Impreza does not work with either the trunk button using a Fortin remote or with a Compustar remote. Should this work over CAN without issues or does it require a seperate wire? Trunk Open is listed as compatible for this vehicle. When I hit this, all I see are lights flashing a few times.


EVO-ALL driver's door won't lock

HI, please help. I have exact same problem as described here: except that I installed the remote start (Compustar CM7200 remote starter + DR3100 cellular Drone module + Fortin EVO-ALL immobilizer bypass) on my daughter's 2009 Subaru Impreza sedan. (I'm not a pro installer, just a DiY'er) The driver's door won't lock. It won't lock when commanded from the Compustar keyfob, it won't re-lock after remote start (I enabled the unlock-start-relock because otherwise the alarm would go off every time when remote started). it won't lock when commanded from the Drone app. Every time the doors are supposed to lock, all doors lock fine, except the driver's. I hear the driver's door lock locking, and then immediately unlocking. So, what should I do? Cut wire A10 (it seemed to help the guy with the Kia)? Or wire A20? Or do something else? It has to be fixed, I can't let her leave the car with engine running and unlocked driver's door, especially when the car is out of sight (which was the whole point of going for the Drone) Please advise. Thank you! (P.S.) everything else works just fine


De quel produit s'agit-il ?


I entered a card. But I can revisit the page

I can still see it is in my history"Subaru Impreza - WRX STI (2012-2013)

However it prompts me "it is locked"

Could some help me ?



Can we bypass a 2008 Subaru Impreza without a factory key now ?

I got a costumer who wants a remote starter for 2008 Impreza. He went online and told meI-datalink has a decryptor for Subaru. Did you develope this function for Subaru so far and your website is not up to date. He told that would cover his 2008 Impreza also.


Can we bypass a 2008 Subaru Impreza without a factory key now ?

I got a costumer who wants a remote starter for 2008 Impreza. He went online and told meI-datalink has a decryptor for Subaru. Did you develope this function for Subaru so far and your website is not up to date. He told that would cover his 2008 Impreza also.


Can we program a bypass without a key for 2008 Subaru Impreza

A customer told me i-data link has a " decryptor ' type system to program all Subaru. He has a 2008 Impreza. I didn t look into that myself. I don t deal with other than Fortin. Maybe your website is not up to date yet and you do decrypt Subaru keys now.

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