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Nissan Tu Le (470Pts.)


Why alarm went off after the remote start (3xlock)?

Do you know why the suv alarm went off after the remote started the vehicle?  Is there any option I forgot to select?  Setup as stand alone with 3x lock to start.  SN:  001a07 531903 2018 Nissan rogue sport 


Alarm activation when locking with OEM Fob

I have an EVO ONE with alarm system activated ( with connected to the Horn ), I donot have any OEM alarm from the manufacturer, My car is nissan qashqai with push button. Alarm used to be activated when i locked the car using OEM fob or door button ( If i recall correctly ), Now it is only working when locking with RF kit remote ( crimestopper ) while it doesnot trigger the alarm when locking with OEM fob . Is there any programmable option that i did my mistake or i am missing to restore the orignial feature. I want the alarm to be activated whenever the vehicle is locked from any source ( door button or OEM fob or RF kit remote ) thanks in advance It is S/N : 001A07026604 and i am using a T harness


How to activate Evo All Alarm on a 2019 nissan qashai

I have successfully installed Evo All as a standlone setup with a T harness on 2019 nissan qashai with push to start I donot have a factory alarm installed I only have factory horn 1x chirp after lock from oem remote and no chirps for the unlock I searched and found that pin A4 in the evo ( green ) should go to the horn signal and to enable options G in the evo I see from my car guide that pin A4 is already in use for the Ignition so i cannot figure it out how the evo can control the horn I have enabled options G and nothing happened ( expected ) Please advise how can i add the evo alarm features to my current setup My evo s/n : 001A07026604


Lights but no alarm sound Please help

Remote start work correct..... I see that when I lock the doors and open(like somebody breaking in my car) them my lights flash but no sound? I'm assuming that my alarm going off but no sound


Evo all/viper 5806v via d2d do i need hook up trunk wire to vehicle

I need to know where the trunk release wire is and color . Assuming it does not work through the d2d , then I will need to hook it up to the viper to get the release button on viper fob to release trunk on my 2009 altima coupe push to start.


No parking lights or horn alarm chirp. Please Help!

Installed the Evo One for my lady, 2017 nissan sentra, standard key. I did the key bypass programing procedure as it said in the directions. I belive the oem remote should work with the 3x lock. When I hit the lock button the blue light flashes as it should. But no remote start with 3x lock button, and no parking lights or horn chirp to signal alarm has been set. Any advice? Thanks in advance.


2012 Sentra Alarm goes off when opened with factory FOB

HI I have installed Evo-One with Thar-one-nis2 and rf411k kit. I programmed it as it specified in guide. Remote start works but when i unlock my car with factory fob alarm goes off. please help


I want to turn on alarm and add shock sensor and siren

I would like to add a shock sensor and siren to my Evo All. What do I need to make this happen? I know I have to go in and turn on the settings and I have the flash link.


09 altima coupe 3x start and alarm

I have an 09 altima coupe pts and would like to use the factory fob for remote start and alarm, is this possible? will i be able to disarm the alarm with the button on the doors?


Looking for alarm that with work with Nissian door handle Request Switch

Have a 2017 Nissan Versa Note with push to start ignition. Trying to find alarm (with remote start) that will arm/disarm just by using the Request Switch (button) on the door handle rather than havng to use a fob.


EVO-ONE No Horn or Parking lights with alarm or remote start

2008 Titan EVO-ONE with T-Harness install. RF642W remote module. Parking lights and Horn fail to function during Locking and remote start. All functions work except Lights and Horn.

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