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Lexus G M (16320Pts.)


2015 LS460

Hello. I installed evo-one on 2015 LS460. 002B04697112...When we want to start, the ignition turns on instantly and turns off. What to do?


Lexus G M (16320Pts.)


2015 LS460

Hello. I installed evo-one on 2015 LS460. 002B04697112...When we want to start, the ignition turns on instantly and turns off. What to do?


Lexus G M (16320Pts.)


2015 LS460

Where can I find a factory remote start module?


Lexus G M (16320Pts.)


2015 LS460

Where can I find a factory remote start module?


Lexus Mark W (180Pts.)


Is steering lock wire mandatory?

Probably a really dumb question, but may I ask what the steering lock wire actually does? Is it required to start the car when using remote start function? Thanks!


lexus gs450h L10 fsport 2012 PUSH TO START EVO-ALL does flash red and yellow.

Can someone help, when I connect EVO-ALL to car and follow instruction, it starts flashing red and yellow. According to instruction I have to dcrypt module, but when I try to do it, program says invalid key data. master restart didn't help. SN #001A07 391294


module not blinking rapidly at step 5

Hello Team, I have gotten the RF Kit (RFK411) as advised but while trying to start the programming all over, I observed that the red light on the device remained solid as it was supposed to flash rapidly about 10 times as stated in step 5. I have tried reprogramming all over again several times but the red light still remains solid on step 5 and this has prevented me from going to the next step. Will the check for the Rx and Tx connections be via a remote connection to the module? Although I saw clearly that the red light blinked rapidly during the initial programming and several other times as attempt was being made to get the vehicle to start via the OEM remote without the RF Kit. It was after I made an inquiry and tried reprogramming all over again that I observed it was not blinking rapidly and still stayed solid when the vehicle was turned on with the press and release of the programming button. EVO-ONE S/N: 002B04 171979


2017 LX570

i have 2017 LX570 with factory remote start but the car turns off when i unlock the door which product i can use to keep the car running when opening the door and drive


Can’t find wiring behind glove box for 2011 GS350 remote start

Just having an issue trying to find the ECU plug behind the glove box on the pass side. I think I found it, but it doesn't have the same colours in the provided diagrams. im going to just start testing the wires themselves, but just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem.


2015 Lexus Nx200T, Remote Start stopped working after 8 months.

I have a 2015 Lexus Nx 200t, The remote start suddenly stopped working, after 8 months of use. Using OEM Key, 3X lock Start. Reprogrammed the module, Checked and secured all of the wiring. Nothing wrong with the car, No check Engine light or any other problem. When i press 3X lock, (Nothing Happens, all doors are closed), Just car lock three times. Also no parking lights flashing. I noticed when i Switch ON the car, there is a solid yellow light on the module. Fuse is okay, now how do i proceed? I was thinking it maybe the module might not be recognizing the key, i didnt have to use dcryptor with it initially, Would that make a difference?


Lexus G M (16320Pts.)


2020 GX460/LC150

Installation instructions evo-all for 2017-2018-2019-2020 Lexus GX460 are the same, right? (And also on Toyota LC150, yes?).


2008 lexus es350 streeng lock +

checking the guide #2891 for evo all for my 2008 lexus es 350 and I am unable to find the 10 pin connector on the BCM. there is a 10 pin connector there but the shape is completely different from the pictures. lookinh for streeng lock + wire. I found the 20 pin connector and its underneath the streeng cover not to the left. is connecting start/stop wire mandatory if I dont wanna use the idle mode? I couldnt find that connector as well. is it behind the push to start button? if yes that is really hard to access to that connector.


EVO ALL won't start 2014 Lexus RX-350 PTS

EVO-ALL responds to LOCK-LOCK-LOCK from OEM remote, but doesn't start car. Unit cycles through some relay closures, but the car does not respond. Installed EVO-ALL using guide 76891. Hard wired to the connection points. Firmware updated to 79.51 Options D1.10 (Lock-lock-lock), C1 (OEM remote monitoring) C6 (PTS). Tried both D2 enabled and dis-enabled - same symptom Module programmed successfully. Parking lights respond to unit. After a remote start attempt while in the car, if you open the door, the alarm goes off. EVO-ALL S/N 001A07 000662 How should I troubleshoot what's wrong?


IDLE mode on Lexus

What is a 'IDLE mode' is a optional connection on LEXS 2013 ES. What is that use for?


2007 ES350 EvO One will not crank when remote start.

I have installed all the wiring according to Guide #19101. The module appears to successfully have programmed to the car, however, when I do the 3 button push on the factory remote it does not start the car. I have attached the rf642 and was able to successfullly program one of the remotes. When I try to start the car via the 2 way remote, the parking lights come on and it it looks like it is trying to start, however, none of the dash lights come on. The red led by the cut loop wire is blinking and after about 30 seconds it quits attempting to start. I can also hear sounds in the car as if something was activated, When it finally quits, the partking lights appear to blink 4 times, which should indicate no tach. But Im not sure what to look for in that. And finally, the 2 way remote was controlling the locks at one point, but that has stopped and I am not able to program the second remove via the valet switch or by the ign on off on method. Edit: I have been able to get the other remote to program and now the remotes are making calls to the bypass/RS, however, when I try to RS the car it clicks, RED LED comes on, but it does not go ignition. After it fails twice, the lights blink 4 times still. Not sure why it wouldnt be getting tach at this point.


07 ES350 Wont Program - light stays solid red after final step

Installing an EVO One on an 07 Lexus ES350 per the regular installation with takeover instructions. I have all of the wires installed correctly with good taped up connections. However, when I go to program in the final step, the light blinks red (appears to be about 15 times and not 10), then stays solid red. I have checked the ignition connection several times and it is solid. Prior to installing this model, I had an EVO All installed with this same ignition wire and it was working fine. The only reason I wanted to swap models was for the take-over capability. Any ideas?


2007 ES350 EvO One will not crank when remote start.

I have installed all the wiring according to Guide #19101. The module appears to successfully have programmed to the car, however, when I do the 3 button push on the factory remote it does not start the car. I have attached the rf642 and was able to successfullly program one of the remotes. When I try to start the car via the 2 way remote, the parking lights come on and it it looks like it is trying to start, however, none of the dash lights come on. The red led by the cut loop wire is blinking and after about 30 seconds it quits attempting to start. I can also hear sounds in the car as if something was activated, When it finally quits, the partking lights appear to blink 4 times, which should indicate no tach. But Im not sure what to look for in that. And finally, the 2 way remote was controlling the locks at one point, but that has stopped and I am not able to program the second remove via the valet switch or by the ign on off on method. Edit: I have been able to get the other remote to program and now the remotes are making calls to the bypass/RS, however, when I try to RS the car it clicks, RED LED comes on, but it does not go ignition. After it fails twice, the lights blink 4 times still. Not sure why it wouldnt be getting tach at this point.


2007 ES350 EvO One will not crank when remote start.

I have installed all the wiring according to Guide #19101. The module appears to successfully have programmed to the car, however, when I do the 3 button push on the factory remote it does not start the car. I have attached the rf642 and was able to successfullly program one of the remotes. When I try to start the car via the 2 way remote, the parking lights come on and it it looks like it is trying to start, however, none of the dash lights come on. The red led by the cut loop wire is blinking and after about 30 seconds it quits attempting to start. I can also hear sounds in the car as if something was activated, When it finally quits, the partking lights appear to blink 4 times, which should indicate no tach. But Im not sure what to look for in that. And finally, the 2 way remote was controlling the locks at one point, but that has stopped and I am not able to program the second remove via the valet switch or by the ign on off on method. Edit: I have been able to get the other remote to program and now the remotes are making calls to the bypass/RS, however, when I try to RS the car it clicks, RED LED comes on, but it does not go ignition. After it fails twice, the lights blink 4 times still. Not sure why it wouldnt be getting tach at this point.


07 ES350 Wont Program - light stays solid red after final step

Installing an EVO One on an 07 Lexus ES350 per the regular installation with takeover instructions. I have all of the wires installed correctly with good taped up connections. However, when I go to program in the final step, the light blinks red (appears to be about 15 times and not 10), then stays solid red. I have checked the ignition connection several times and it is solid. Prior to installing this model, I had an EVO All installed with this same ignition wire and it was working fine. The only reason I wanted to swap models was for the take-over capability. Any ideas?


2015 Lexus RX 350PTS - EVO all + Python 4706P Datalink protocol kept saving to F2 instead of F3 (D2D)

Hello all, Just recently trying to get the evo all + python 4706P remote starter installed in a 2015 Lexus Rx 350 PTS. i am using a Fortin regular install guide 3440. I am using datalink ( back 4 pin) to connect the Fortin to the Python. I retrace, double check all wirings. It's all good. Programing the Fortin was good. I notice, after a couple of reflashing the Evo all, as i go thru the evo all option, the Python 4706P requires the datalink to D2D protocol (F3 option) the moment i save the option, the program default to option F2 ( AP/OFA protocol) instead. does anybody know the fix for the error? more additional info: Locking and unlocking on the Pytthon works. when remote starting the vehicle, i heard a bunch of click. the LED on the fortin does lit up orange or red. I can't remember ( getting late) then the python starting error msg show up on the 2 way remote. Any help is greatly Thanks.... Python guide : 2016-02 web2.pdf


Lexus t p (300Pts.)


2015 LEXUS RX 350 EVO-ALL Stand Alone with DSM200 setup


2015 Lexus RX350 to be used with EVO-ALL + DSM200 (SmartStart)

Would the options should be

A1 through A11 ------------------------------------------------> ON

B2 - Data-Link Remote Starter Mode --------------------> ON? (if connect SmartStart using data-link)

C1 - OEM Remote Monitoring -----------------------------> ON

D1 - OEM Remote Stand Alone Remote Starter ------> ON

              D1.6 - 15 minute runtime -------------------------> ON

D5 - Lock after start -------------------------------------------> ON

D6 - Push-to-start ---------------------------------------------> ON

H4 - AudioVox FLRF, DEI SmartStart --------------------> ON

Everything else is OFF?

Would the car status (door, alarm, armed, disarmed, trunk, ect.) be able to communicate from the EVO-ALL to the SmartStart via data-link, with this stand alone setup?


No instruction for EVO-ALL + Lexus ES 250 Euro

The support of Lexus ES 250 Euro was declared on but there is no installation instructions at all. Can i get or download this instruction?




I am tony form steelmate of china,I have a problem when I test EVO-ALL in stand alone mode.


FIRST:I flash EVO firmware version to 4.08,press OEM remote lock button 3 times,engine start successful,but can not programme CRIMESTOPPER RF kits,because LUE/RED leds do not turn on at same time always and can not programming cirmestopper remote.

NEXT:I flash EVO to recommended firmware version79.12,press OEM remote lock button 3 times,engine start failed?there is no cranking during remote start,but when i programme CRIMESTOPPER RF kits,then successful,and lock/unlock/trank works correct?but remote start can not work because no crank.

so why this happned?


Lexus (Pts.)


RX350 2013, EVO-ALL Stand Alone

Stand alone Evo-All don't start my Rx-350 2013, push to start. All the wiring is ok but, when i try to start, (3X lock), On the Evo-All, red led ON, 1 secondes after, yellow led ON, parking light ON, but no start. No light in the cluster. In the option, ON option 15, 15 min, On option 18 Hybrid mode. Flash with 79.02 Help me please. Thank you


Lexus (Pts.)


RX350 2013, EVO-ALL Stand Alone

Stand alone Evo-All don't start my Rx-350 2013, push to start. All the wiring is ok but, when i try to start, (3X lock), On the Evo-All, red led ON, 1 secondes after, yellow led ON, parking light ON, but no start. No light in the cluster. In the option, ON option 15, 15 min, On option 18 Hybrid mode. Flash with 79.02 Help me please. Thank you

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