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Aftermarket remote control for FSA-216 EVO-Ride combo

I want to know if any aftermarket remote control fob are compatible with the FSA-216 remote starter. I am guessing its a one way. Cant find any documentation on this. FSA-216 does not seem to exist, although i have one in my car. Or where can i get replacement OEM remote controlers.


OEM remote not functional when engine is running.

If OEM remote not functional when the car is runing  but it was mentioned in the guide OEM remote monitoring is supported. IS OEM remote will start and shutdown the car or only start it?.


Is OEM remotes need to be learned?

Do I need to program OEM remotes?. If yes how to program modes?, and can I use them for programming the options?. What about 38.4 option?.


Is there a way to control evo-one remote start with OEM 2007 4Runner remote?

I'm confused by this unit and what it does. I printed the vehicle specific installation instructions and installed accordingly. Went to start programming the remote start portion and quickly learned that it cannot be programmed without a remote kit. purchased a FLU-100.2 and plugged the evo-one into my computer expecting to be able to program the remote start functions with no luck. I was expecting this unit to work like any other oem remote start interface. I just want to be able to start my vehicle without the need to carry another fob. Should I pull it and install a 15 year old Automate remote start that will simply do what I want?

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