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2014 Honda Civic - Vehicle shutsdown when door opens

I was just wondering if it is possible for the car to remain on when the door is opened. D3 is currently greyed out for me, but not sure if I would need to reflash the module to select the option


what is the diffference hon-1 and hon-5

there is a honda civic 2011 year, i cant find for modul this car


Evo one not sensing impact sensor

I have evo one 22 civic with alarm enabled everything is working correctly including door and hood and trunk does set off the evo alarm properly oem key and with evo start lte with siren 

except impact sensor alarm is enabled reflashed decrypted a few times

impact sensor has power it flashes properly when it detects shock even tried directly quickly tapping the blue wire on impact sensor plug directly to ground nothing happens I'm pretty sure

evo One is faulty ?

sn is 002B07275028


Evo one not sensing impact sensor

I have evo one 22 civic with alarm enabled everything is working correctly including door and hood and trunk does set off the evo alarm properly oem key and with evo start lte with siren 

except impact sensor alarm is enabled reflashed decrypted a few times

impact sensor has power it flashes properly when it detects shock even tried directly quickly tapping the blue wire on impact sensor plug directly to ground nothing happens I'm pretty sure

evo One is faulty ?

sn is 002B07275028


2022 civic automatic push start with functions of OEM fob and fortin alarm

Which module should I use for 2022 Honda Civic push start automatic it already has oem remote start I want to use the LTE module or evo start 2 module and OEM key as well to start stop arm and disarm the alarm in conjunction with fortin dual stage impact sensor and a separate siren


How Exactly do you bypass the clutch on a Manual Transmission?

Hello, I have read a bunch of responses regarding clutch bypass for manual transmission vehicles. Some say to splice to the clutch switch, others say use a 180 ohm resistor. Both the T-Harness manual and the regular install manual have NO mention of manual transmission using the A5 white wire (im assuming) or where/how to install. 1) how do I tell if my clutch is Negative or Positive? 2) Do I need a resitor in line of the A5 White wire? Is this the correct wire? 3) Does it matter which wire on the clutch switch I splice to? Thanks in Advance, Honda Civic 2009 Regular Key Manual Transmission


2018 Civic Si No ready mode (RF 442)

Just installed an evo one and Rf-442 kit on my 2018 PTS civic. Used the Hon7 harness, so I had to do the interruption at the steering lock and tap into the clutch wire. Also ran the dcrytor process when the guide prompted. Also worth noting that the yellow light is lit when the ignition is on. Whenever I try to remote start the car with either remote, the parking lights blink 3 times indicating that the car isn't in ready mode. When I programmed the module using wizard mode, I made sure to select the middle sequence (car in neutral, foot on brake, park brake...etc), but when I leave the car, it continues running and says that the key fob is not detected on the dash. Made sure that valet mode was disabled via the rf antenna. All of the other functions of the rf remote seem functional minus the remote start. Im guessing this is a programming error, any help would be appreciated


Plusieurs "beep" rapides en sortant et entrant dans le véhicule

Bonjour, Ma question concerne un Evo-One sur un Honda Civic 2017 PTS manuel (option 33.2 (mode prêt à démarrer activé automatiquement). Après avoir activé le mode prêt à démarrer, être sorti du véhicule et avoir fermé la porte, le véhicule émettait une 10aine de "beep" rapides (walk-away?). Je viens de mettre à jour le firmware du bypass et du démarreur, espérant que le problème se règle par magie, mais au contraire, le problème est pire qu'avant: j'ai maitenant 3 séries de beep au lieu d'une... Maintenant, quand on sort avec le mode prêt à démarrer activé et qu'on referme la porte, la série de beep se fait entendre (1), le moteur arrête, puis la série de beep se fait entendre à nouveau (2). Aussi, quand on entre dans le véhicule (qu'il soit démarré à distance au préalable ou non), la série de beep se fait encore entendre (3). Au départ, l'Evo-one avait la version 4.11 du bypass et 1.25 du démarreur, installé selon le guide #80011 rev 20180913. Je viens de le mettre à jour (bypass 73.38 et démarreur 1.26). Note: Dans le schéma de branchement de la dernière révision du guide (20201008), 2 nouveaux branchements ont été ajoutés comparativement à la rev 20180913 (C1 et C2 sur CAN LOW2 et CAN HIGH2). J'ai ajouté ces 2 branchements, mais je me demande s'il fallait vraiment les faire, car "C1" et "C2" ne sont pas encadrés à côté de l'Evo-One dans le diagramme, contrairement à toutes les autres pins... Bref, mes 2 questions sont: 1- Comment régler le problème des "beeps" lorsqu'on enre et sort du véhicule. 2- Est-ce que je laisse C1 et C2 branchés? Merci beaucoup! Service No: 002B07 191185


2009 Honda Civic - Not locking after start

Hi, I purchased a Fortin Evo-One with the THAR-HON-A2 T-harness for my 2009 Honda Civic (automatic) with facory Alarm. I went through the Options in the Fortin App and flashed it with the latest firmware. I configured the option to LOCK the door after it remote starts. I also configured the option to not stop the car when the door is opened. The car starts up fine, but it does NOT lock the door after the remote start and it stops the engine when i open the door. It seems to be ignoring all the options I have set. It is not clear to me if I need to tap into the drivers door lock harness or not. I was under the impression that the door locks would be controlled by the CANBUS and this hookup was no longer required with the newer firmware. Any suggestions?


Extra connections needed for 2022 Civic Si Manual?

Looking to install an Evo-One remote starter in a 2022 Civic Si manual, and I am wondering what extra connections need to be made when compared to to the automatic instructions. Thanks!


Key System error when manually starting with fob. 2019 civic

Evo one, with Hon 7 harness. Some times, not every time, I will get an error with Keyless system error when starting the car normally. This error also pops up after I get into ready mode as well.


205 honda civic key start manual transmission EVO ONE

Evo one in 2015 honda civic key start manual transmission the clutch is negative trigger. (orange wire) what do i use from the evo one to activate clutch? or do i just use positive trigger relay to negative off the starter wire? thanks.


EVO-ONE key bypass programming issue - Honda Civic 2012

I am trying to setup key bypass programming on 2012 Honda Civic using EVO-One using T-harness. I am only able to go up to step 4 where the red-light is flashing once and pause. but when I goto step 5 and turn the ignition on all the lights go off. I tried reflshing the unit and still same issue. can someone help me?
