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Ford Kutech (760Pts.)


2018 FORD F-550 Run Time issue

I have installed the EVO-ALL with FORT3 in stand alone configuration on a 2018 Ford F-550 Diesel w/standard keyless entry. The truck starts properly with 3x factory fob but will only run for 15 minutes and then shut off no matter what setting is programmed into the EVO-ALL. The EVO contiues to operate even once the truck has shut itself off leading me to believe there is no hardware issue but possibly a FORD setting or Fortin setting that needs to be changed. Is there a Fortin setting that will restart the truck after the 15 minute run time to make a total run time of 30 minutes? Is there a setting in the F-550 that needs to be changed (no option is set up for factory remote starting that can be seen in the Ford dash)? We have tried software 4.01 and 7.01, Hybrid option on and off, Diesel option on and off. Any help is greatly apprecieated. Thank you.

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