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Unable to Connect Module to Flashlink Updater

In Flashlink Manager, I am able to connect the Flashlink Updater (red LED on device solid and status shows "Connected"), but when I plug the Updater into my EVO-ONE the module will not connect to the Updater. Using Flashlink Manager v4.62, and Flashlink Updater has firmware v4.08.


where I can find an older version of FlashLink Updater / Manager ? v3 or v2

where I can find an older version of FlashLink Updater / Manager ? v3 or v2? Please advise Thanks


Flashlink Manager won't recognize Evo-One Module

Just purchased a flashlink 4 updater. Downloaded the software but it won't detect that the evo-one is plugged in. Updater is on latest software.


FAQ P Patel (280Pts.)


Flashlink manager EVO-ONE - missing RFKit programming option

When connected EVOONE to flashlink manager; Do not see "RF kit compitible" menu under "REMOTE STARTER" tab. Any reason its not visible?


FAQ P Patel (280Pts.)


EVO-ONE - install myCar in existing install with RFkit

Have existing EVO-ONE with RFK422. Want to install MyCar. What needs to be selected under flahslink manager ? Currently "RF Kit compitible" has Fortin 2 selected.


FAQ P Patel (280Pts.)


Flashlink manager software prorgram user guide PDF

is there any pdf version of software user/manual for flashlink manager ? will be good to ahve pdf document decribing menu etc....


FAQ AG2020 (130Pts.)


Flashlink not being detected in Manager


Flash-Link Updater is only detected by FlashLink Manager in FLU mode?

Software: FlashLink Manager 4.36; Windows 10 Pro x64 version 1809 Hardware: Flash-Link Updater Ver.4, firmware 4.03 FlashLink Manager will not detect my Updater, unless I attempt to initiate a firmware update. Following that process, the firmware update gets stuck at 1%, so nothing happens. Canceling the update just puts me back to square one, with FL Manager stating that it is unable to detect the FL Updater. The red power light is on, indicating proper power, and I have tried multiple USB ports and cables, even different computers. The Updater driver was installed correctly, and "FES FlashLink Device" appears in my Device Manager with no warnings. The fact that the unit is detected when I try to update the firmware gives me hope that it is not defective, so can someone show me what I'm missing? Thanks!


Remote start does not work on Altima 2012

I'm having a strange issue with my EVO-NIS1 remote starter, I initially installed the kit without connecting the parking light wire, the remote starter worked well for 2 days. I woke up in the morning and the car battery was dead, I jumped the car but the remote starter stopped working, I checked the wiring and everything seemed fine, i reprogrammed the EVO with the flash link and reconnected the wires and did the programming as I did initially. The problem that I faced is not seeing any red or blue lights, It got stuck at the steady yellow (step 4). the car still works fine but without the remote starter which is still installed, the only time the remote start worked is when i was in the car already. I went back to connect the parking light and tried to program it again but i still got stuck at the steady yellow light. I don't know what to do to get passed step 4. Please help. Thanks.

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