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Enable heated seat on 2012 Pilot

While programming the unit, I found the option to turn on the rear defrost and heated mirros. I did not notice an option for the heated seats. Since the feature is controlled by multiple pushes on a button instead of a hard on/off, it can't be pre-set when exiting the vehicle. Is there a way to control this feature for the driver seat?


How to program Driver 1 and Driver 2 With INT-SL-PL

Can You advise how to make the Drver Recall #1 and #2 to function ? As of Install both remotes recall Driver # 2 Only.


Ford Dny Dny (330Pts.)


How can I turn on the heat seat and the rear defrost when I remote start a Fusion 2015?

I have an EVO ONE installled in a Ford Fusion 2015 standart start and I was wondering how can I activate the front heat seats and de rear defrost upon the remote start as those fuction are listed as supported by this module.

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