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Nissan Qashqai 2019 Steering Lock Plug wiring

I have successfully installed standalone evo one for nissan qashqai 2019 with push to start When i remote start the vehicle and then enters inside it then when i press the Ignition so i can start diving, car refuses to accept ignition saying steering is locked and doesnot allow car to be on the ON position I have tried enabling door shutdown option and it actually shutdown car when any door is opened So in the current setup , i have to press brake after entering then it shutdowns then i start it normally again I saw something about steering lock plug connector but i donot know which wires in the A plug harrness to connect to ? I have a white/green wire but there is no white/red Please assist me as i want to start driving directly after entering the vehicle


2016 Rogue PTS EVO-NIST3 not working

I am a consumer- there are no Fortin installers near me, so I'm on my own. I purchased the EVO-NIST3 and installed it correctly (I think), but it isn't working. When I have the power off, I plug in the module while pressing the program button as instructed, release at one blue light. I then press the start button and the module's lights go out. No lights until I press the start button again- the blue light comes back. Nothing works. As I understand it, the module should already be prgrammed, and it's just plug and play, right? I installed the harness. Did I miss something? Thank you. EDIT: I just realized I did not install the hood switch and valet switch. That wire is not going to ground. Would that cause the blue light to go out instead of flash during programming? It looks like the whole unit went dead as soon as I pushed the start button. Thank you.

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