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DeAndre Shead

À rejoins en date due:

Dec. 4, 2013





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Firmware Issue??

I'm having 2 issues(2011 Camaro) 1. My Evo All came preloaded with Firmware version 4.18, i have it connected to my push start unit...my push starts appears to work fine but whenever i turn my car off the doors lock after about 2-3 seconds arming my factory alarm, I have ignition controlled door locks deactivated on my push start and this still happens so im assuming the Evo All is causing this to happen?? I have options 1-11 turned on, everything else 12-23 is off. my camaro from what i can find doesn't have an option to lock the car when its turned off. 2. I tried upgrading to the recommended firmware(70.10) hoping the locking after shutdown issue would be resolved but after doing this my push start completely stops working on this firmware, if i go back down to 4.18 it works correctly. i reprogram the unit but still no go, lock and unlock functions still work just not my push button. Any Ideas? Thanks for your help


Evo All Foot Brake Wire and Door Status

Hey im installing a push start unit along with the Evo All unit...my push start requires the brake to be pressed before starting... using my multimeter ive noticed that there is only a signal on the (+)foot brake status wire coming from the Evo All unit after i press the brake when ACC/IGN is on...if ACC/IGN is off when I press the brake there is no signal on the wire......Is there a way to make the foot brake status wire always show a signal regardless if there is power to ACC/IGN?? Also the Evo All (-)Door Status wire is suppose to connect to a side door negative trigger wire correct??


Installation Guide #3307 or Guide #3309

I just received the evo all system and installing it...I have a 2011 chevy camaro...should I follow the evo all guide#3309 or the vehicle specific guide #3307 ...it just seems like the red connector configuration is a little different in both guides. thanks


Add PKE with Push Start to 2011 Camaro

Hey ive been wanting to add a PKE system into my 2011 Chevy Camaro, specifically this one ( http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&vxp=mtr&item=251395582840 ) ive been researching what would be the best bypass module to buy for my Push Start and I came up your Evo All Unit but wanted to make sure it would work with what i want to get. I understand to simplify installation I can get the T-HarnessGM1v2 now this PKE System has an immobilizer bypass output wire...how would that wire connect to the EVo-All system in order for my push button to bypass security and start my vehicle?? Also the wire inputs coming from the PKE system like hood status, door pin status, door unlock/lock, trunk pin etc, would those wires connect to the EVO all system or would they connect directly to the vehicle wires. Thanks!!

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