Nissan GTR 2014, EVO-ALL in standalone mode and SmartStart DSM200.
The Start, Stop, Lock and Unlock all worked via the SmartStart App. However;
When Locking the car most of the time the app would receive a confirmation, back but it could take a while
On Unlock, although the car unlocks the message would say "Doors are still locked. Check overall status in the status tab"
On starting the engine there is/was a very long delay and I would say only in 50% of the cases did I receive an Engine running confirmation
The Status screen never works and we get a message that said "The response from the server could not be interpreted. If the problem persists, go to for help (31)"
Tried two different EVO-ALLs and get exactly ther same result.
The SmartStart unit was previously installed with DB-ALL2 and was working fine. After trying the EVO-ALL(s) and experiencing the problems above we put the DBALL2 back in and everything works (same car same location).
Very strange..