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2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee brake wire relay

What relay do I use to wire directly to my brake? My evo all is not shutting down when the brake is pressed and tech support said I need to wire directly to the brake with a relay to reverse polarity. Thank you.


2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee Evo-One Keeps running with key removed

Issue developed recently. Jeep remote starts just fine. Sometimes it keeps running after the key has been removed. I think this happens when the Jeep has been remote started. When I am done driving and remove the key everything turns off, but the engine continues to run. It looks like there is a solid orange light on the device. If I disconnect the red connector the Jeep shuts off.


Jeep J C (160Pts.)


While vehicle is already running can the Fortin remote start be used to keep it running after the key is removed?

While vehicle is already running can the Fortin remote start be used to keep it running after the key is removed? If so how can this be done?

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