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stephen bradley

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Jan. 9, 2018





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RFK411 programming to EVO ALL

I just purchased an RFK411 to add range to my EVO ALL, and I can’t get the key to program after completing the steps. Here is what I did, unlock door with my oem fob, remove all wiring to my Evo all, plug the 4 pin wire while holding button down until blue and red led come on then release button. Plug all wiring back to the Evo all, after all wiring are connected, press button until blue and red led turn off and then back on, then release. Turn car to on, I notice the red blue and orange light turn on, with the Evo all, and the blue led on the antenna is now rapidly flashing. I grab my single button remote and hold down button for at lease 12 seconds. At first while holding it flashes rapidly, then turns off, then a couple seconds later comes on solid blue. I release the button after that and nothing happens on the Evo all, no sounds are heard. I don’t think my Evo all completed the programming. I tried switching to my other remote and still same result. Any help or steps to try is appreciated. Car is Infiniti g37 auto with push to start. Prior to adding the rfk411, I was only using the Evo all with remote start using the x3 press with oem fob with no problems, still starts fine with oem fob. Kit included t harness. I am using the Fortin harness rfa2a with the antenna.

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