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Lachlan Christopher

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Sep. 13, 2024





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How to make this work on my 2.2d Infiniti Q50?

Hello, I have tried multiple times on both the standard Q50 and 2.0t models settings with diesel mode enabled but it will not work with my 2.2d model. When I go to remote start, the battery turns on, which is then followed by the dash being lit up with all sorts of malfunctions, faults, check engine light, etc and refuses to turn the engine over. However when I unplug the unit the vehicle works as normal even with all the piggy backs in so I don't think it's a case of loose wiring. Not sure if it matters but I purchased the kit through MyPushCart, who doesn't seem to be able to help me. If possible could I be told what vehicle and settings I should select in which to make it work? Would greatly appreciate that as I keep hitting the DCryptor limit trying different settings. Also do I still need to use the OBD II piggy back or is it not necessary? Thanks.


DCRYPTOR reset and help

Need my modules dcryptor limit rest - S/N: 001A07 602430 Also, I bought the Q50 module but mine is a 2.2d model, which seems to not work with the standard dcryptor settings for the Q50 in general. Should I be using the 2.0t's settings instead with Diesel mode enabled? Would appreciate any help on this front. Thanks

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