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OEM 3x lock wont start / drone mobile crank the engine but wont start

i installed Evo-One with T-Harness 9 and Drone mobile on Toyota 4runner 2019. installed the lastest firmware for bypass, and the 0.5 firmware for remote start. I followed the guide #72361 succesful. i was able to lock/unlock door with drone mobile. However, when i commanded to start, all it does to crank the engine but wont start. I used the flashlink to change the option 2.1, 2.3, and 2.4 and no prevail. any idea which option should i adjust. Also, OEM 3x lock wont start although i followed the instruction and set the option 38.2 and C1. Appreciate your help. Huynh


OEM 3x lock wont start / drone mobile crank the engine but wont start

i installed Evo-One with T-Harness 9 and Drone mobile on Toyota 4runner 2019. installed the lastest firmware for bypass, and the 0.5 firmware for remote start. I followed the guide #72361 succesful. i was able to lock/unlock door with drone mobile. However, when i commanded to start, all it does to crank the engine but wont start. I used the flashlink to change the option 2.1, 2.3, and 2.4 and no prevail. any idea which option should i adjust. Also, OEM 3x lock wont start although i followed the instruction and set the option 38.2 and C1. Appreciate your help. Huynh


Would Evo all work with drone Mobile dr5400

Want to make sure this will work


2018 tundra with evo one and drone

I am planning to buy the drone-mobile add-on. I understand that the drone-mobile kit requires the evo-one remote-start firmware to be downgraded to 0.50. Will this downgrade affect the operation of the evo-one on my 2018 tundra? I know that the 2018 tundra requires a minimum bypass firmware version, but does it require a minimum remote-start firmware for the evo-one to work (and subsequently the drone add-on)?

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