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Ram RCMAuto (160Pts.)


2013 ram 1500 chrt7 harness can not get module to work

ok Im still having programing issues, i can get to step 8 , i have only a solid blue light i have verified that i have 2.5v on each side of the can bus and i have 12v battery power on the yellow wire at the module with key in the crank position, yet i still only have the blue light on solid


EVO-All won't pass Red Light on programming (Step 5)

I've flashed the EVO-All multiple times using both the wizard and Pro versions of the flashlink. No success. I essentially flash the module and it won't program past step 5 where the red light is supposed to turn blue and flash. No clue where to go from here. I'm using the T-Harness as well so there's no direct wiring.


2020 Ram 1500 Push To Start, Blue light does not flash on step 5

While on step 5 the blue light does not flash. Once the button on the eval all is pressed the solid blue light goues out but the blue light does not flash as indicated in step 5. The unit has been flashed to latest firmware 63.01. Wires are connected per the chart.


during the programming the blue light doesnt come on

when im trying to program the EVO-all i get to the step where the blue and red dhould be on but the blue doesnt turn on


All LEDs are blinking rather than alternating?

2012 Ram 1500 standard key. after installation and wiring ready for programming, i plugged the data connector I just had all LEDs blinking. the first unit was replaced and i have the 2nd now but still the same, is there a problem on the unit itself or just my vehicle?


Get to step 8, turn key, lights turn off but the blue light doesn’t flash.

2015 ram 1500 with regular key, have the wires plugged into the right spot, do the key program and get up to step 8, turn key, lights turn off, then the blue light is supposed to flash, but it doesn't.


Get to step 8, turn key, lights turn off but the blue light doesn’t flash.

2015 ram 1500 with regular key, have the wires plugged into the right spot, do the key program and get up to step 8, turn key, lights turn off, then the blue light is supposed to flash, but it doesn't.

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