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Hi, again before 5 months i have installed EVO-ALL with NIST1 on Murano 2009. I can start the car wirh OEM FOB (3xLOCK) but can not stopped it or unlock it with the FOB. It can unlock it with the phisical key and when oped the the door the engine stopped. I had done connections to the BCM module(LOCK/UNLOCK pins). Now i have installed Fortin RFK411. I can start and stop the engine but still can not unlock the car when engine is remotely started. I can not lock or unlock the cars when car is NOT started with Fortin remotes. I have one question- if i make connections for LOCK/UNLOCK not to BCM, but directly to the drivers door button for LOCK/UNLOCK. Please make advise!


Linkr lt2 and rfk411 at same time on evo one

Hello and greetings, I have succesfully installed evo one and link lt2 on 2015 nissan sentra standard key. 3x lock works to start and shut down remotely. Linkr lt2 and all the associated functions work as they should. Evo one alarm with siren works fine with shock and glass break working well. I am trying to add rfk411 to the system and am having no luck. I have wired in in a 1 amp diode, band facing remote, on the white wire of the second plug(black) on the linkr harness but cannot program the rfk411 sucessfully, Followed the procedure, all lights etc. working as guide shows they should but no functionality after programming. Also, with rfk411 plugged in, I lose the start, stop, lock, and unlock fubctions of the linkr. I;ve also tried programming the rfk411 to the evo one without linkr in the mix and have nuccess. Please advise. Thanks!

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