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2015 Nissan Altima Ignition Ignition 2 wire

Not a question so much as an update to your notes. On the installation instructions it shows Ignition 2 as Pin 9 Black 24 Pin plug as a Pink wire. Vehicle I had it is not a Pink Wire it is Brown but when tested goes + when PTS is hit for ACC or IGN.


Accessory Slots on Evo-All/NIST1

Installed a EVO-NIST1 on a 2012 Nissan Altima along with a Fortin RF642W RF kit. Everything works great! However, I'd like to use the RF remote to open the trunk ([-] & lock) as well as turn the rear defrost on ([-] & unlock) using the accesorries slot on the EVO. According to the trunk release neg is Pin 147 on the grey BCM connector. Similarly, the rear defrost neg is Pin 19 on the green BCM connector. However, the install guide provided for the NIST1 doesn't show which wires are the auxillary outputs. Other EVO I've installed AUX 1 was the orange wire and AUX2 was the orange/black wire. Are these wires still the AUX outputs for the NIST1 or have they been disabled? If they are enabled will I need to place anytype of resistor between the AUX output of the EVO or can I simply tap into the existing wire? Unit: EVO-ALL Hardware: 6 Firmware: 72.24 Wired as stand alone


Accessory Slots on Evo-All/NIST1

Installed a EVO-NIST1 on a 2012 Nissan Altima along with a Fortin RF642W RF kit. Everything works great! However, I'd like to use the RF remote to open the trunk ([-] & lock) as well as turn the rear defrost on ([-] & unlock) using the accesorries slot on the EVO. According to the trunk release neg is Pin 147 on the grey BCM connector. Similarly, the rear defrost neg is Pin 19 on the green BCM connector. However, the install guide provided for the NIST1 doesn't show which wires are the auxillary outputs. Other EVO I've installed AUX 1 was the orange wire and AUX2 was the orange/black wire. Are these wires still the AUX outputs for the NIST1 or have they been disabled? If they are enabled will I need to place anytype of resistor between the AUX output of the EVO or can I simply tap into the existing wire? Unit: EVO-ALL Hardware: 6 Firmware: 72.24 Wired as stand alone

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