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Toyota mc141 (400Pts.)


2023 tundra install

i already have an evo one all from my old car and have a few questions 1) will the THAR-ONE-TOY16 work on my 2023 tundra since is the same as the 2022 and the start x remote start which is just an evo one works on both? 2 where do the diodes go i dont see them on the diagram 3) what is the THAR-TY120 is that an additional harness or is it built into the main harness cant seem to be able to google an answer i realy want the remote start to be able to control the doors on the cellular app and start x says there's cant even though its just a rebranded evo one and comes with a fortin programer also its cheaper to get the harness than get the whole start x kit since i already own a evo one and a cellular module

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