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factory alarm Problem with remote start

I have jeep grand cherokee 2013 (push to start) and install EVO-CHRT4 without the rf kit when I trun remote start it was sounding horn and hazard lamp and not stopping When trying to run the car with remotes, the alarm times work and the time does not work Update my device to 74.29 Park lights and hood pin are not installed Options: C1 D1 D6 I hope to solve the problem Best regard


Jeep AJBrown (320Pts.)


RF Kit Stops Working after Arm/lock

2015 Jeep Wrangler, EVO-ALL, Compustar RF-2W704-SH 2-Way RF Kit with FT-D100. The remotes that come with the RF kit are working but they stop working after I have locked or armed the system. I cannot get them to respond and do anything until I unlock the doors with the factory remote. It's seems that once the doors are locked, the car stops listening to any input through the aftermarket remotes. If I want to use remote start for cold morning, I have to lock the doors on the jeep manually the night before.


Jeep AJBrown (320Pts.)


RF Kit Stops Working after Arm/lock

2015 Jeep Wrangler, EVO-ALL, Compustar RF-2W704-SH 2-Way RF Kit with FT-D100. The remotes that come with the RF kit are working but they stop working after I have locked or armed the system. I cannot get them to respond and do anything until I unlock the doors with the factory remote. It's seems that once the doors are locked, the car stops listening to any input through the aftermarket remotes. If I want to use remote start for cold morning, I have to lock the doors on the jeep manually the night before.

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