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Has my immobilizer been damaged/reset?

I have an EVO-ALL and EVO-NIST1 T-harness. I integrated the harness into my car with all necessary t-connections and soldered connections in place. When I attempted to follow the programming procedure, at step 7, I was only getting a solid blue LED. I re-attempted the procedure, same result. I started the car afterwards (with EVO-ALL disconnected), and my security light is now on solid red, indicating an immobilizer malfunction. I have tried leaving the battery disconnected (for at least 15 minutes), I left the car sit overnight (battery connected, another user here had a similar issue and it resolved itself overnight), and the light is still on when the car is started. If I pull the battery from either of my keys and attempt to start it by holding it near the start button, the car will give a "NO KEY" message. What went wrong and how can I fix it? Currently I'm concerned that the device caused permanent damage to my car.


Has my immobilizer been damaged/reset?

I have an EVO-ALL and EVO-NIST1 T-harness. I integrated the harness into my car with all necessary t-connections and soldered connections in place. When I attempted to follow the programming procedure, at step 7, I was only getting a solid blue LED. I re-attempted the procedure, same result. I started the car afterwards (with EVO-ALL disconnected), and my security light is now on solid red, indicating an immobilizer malfunction. I have tried leaving the battery disconnected (for at least 15 minutes), I left the car sit overnight (battery connected, another user here had a similar issue and it resolved itself overnight), and the light is still on when the car is started. If I pull the battery from either of my keys and attempt to start it by holding it near the start button, the car will give a "NO KEY" message. What went wrong and how can I fix it? Currently I'm concerned that the device caused permanent damage to my car.


Why won’t the EVO-ALL program in my 2013 Infiniti M37?

Standalone installation with T harness. I follow the steps exactly as they are written. Step 6 says hold key by start button and step on brake. Step 7 is the exact same process, but the BLUE and RED LEDs should illuminate. The RED illuminates briefly before turning off, and only the blue remains. The rest of the process does not work and the BLUE LED stays solid. In addition to this, the security/Immobilizer light on my dash is on solid when the car is running. Please, can anyone offer assistance?

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