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2013 honda crv Cranks but wont start unless keys in Evo one with Hon2 harness

Hello I just got the Setup Evo One with the Hon2 T harness I Got it with the update already instal ...Read more


Car attempts to start but does not crank

2015 Honda Accord coupe ex. It has been programmed correctly. Using a T-harness the Thar-one-hon3. ...Read more


2007 Honda CRV CRANK BUT Won’t start

I installed Excalibur RS-370 and Evo All as a bypass everything working but sometimes when I press ...Read more


2007 Honda Accord won’t remote start consistently

Installed evo all with avital 4105 by wire to wire. The white and blue wires on data port have been ...Read more


Crank no start security key flashes

Crank no start 2013 honda accord push button start NON hybird. Security key flashes on dash while ...Read more


2008 Honda Pilot cranks but not starting.

I installed a Viper 4806V and Evo-All Unit on the 2008 Honda Pilot. Followed all the wiring diagram ...Read more


2008 Civic will crank,but wont start

My 2008 Honda Civic will just crank,but wont start. The key chip warning light comes on during cran ...Read more


Extend crank time FSA-211

When cold if remote start attempted it results in approx 1sec crank and gives up therefore not star ...Read more


Honda Mike J (210Pts.)


2013 Honda Accord PTS - Cranks, but won't start.

SInce my last question wasn't answered by anybody, I'm hoping this one will get answered. 2013 Hon ...Read more


2018 Civic PTS, EVO ONE with T harness Crank but no start on 1st attempt, Lights flash 4 times


Car doesn't start after wiring evo-one

After wiring the evo-one, the guide states to make sure the vehicle starts before proceeding with p ...Read more


Crank but won't start (with the PTS button)

2017 Honda Civic Si, PTS, standard After fixing the wiring with the new diagram for the takeover an ...Read more

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