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Evo-one 2006 rendezvous no yellow light in programming

Ign on - Blue shuts off red comes on but red does not start flashiing to be able to turn key to start for yellow to come on. When red comes on solid the blue starts flashing but is dim. Red never flashes. Talked to tech support said to try starting when red light comes on instead of waiting for red flashing. Still just does the above. I have Reset, flashed 70.18, started and held in start postion and above repeats. He did say to test purple pin 2 and should be 1.5v. It is .23v and I have seen it fluctuate up to 1.2v while lock/unlock is pressedn etc. I have check every single fuse, put on battery charger, cleaned batt terminal, wiggled wires and still does the above voltage fluctuations. Could it be faulty module? Which I've never had happen in over 15ys of using fortin. Strange the blue light flashes dim after red comes on. Could it be the low voltage on obd pin #2? I've never had on issue with the pk3. Factory radio. No signs of anything aftermarket being installed to disrupt obd2 signal. Obd2 plug in code reader communicates fine and no codes present

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