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Toyota mc141 (490Pts.)


alarm sensors

are there any tilt/glass break sensors for fortin evo one? or do i have to adapt 4 pin ones?? unfortunately all i see from fortin is a dual shock sensor. i was looking at the crime stopper/omega sensors and they have dual stage shock sensors with glass break and also a tilt sensor. would those work if i wired the 2 stages together like the fortin one is?? id like to use the crimestopper/omega over random amazon no name brands as ive use there stuff in my old jeep and it works well.


extra sensors on evo all

have an evo-chrt5 on the way. also installing a proximity sensor DEI 508d. i have a 2017 jeep wrangler jku with factory alarm i will be using the evo for remote start. can i set up the evo alarm to active and then only use it for the proximity sensor? will that mess with my factory alarm? I will be using a DEI 508d proximity. since i don't have data-link can i use the Ground (b4) and positive (b3) from the data link wires (that would be unused). then hook up the trigger to (a3) dual stage trigger, purple/white. any help you can provide to make this as much PnP as possible will be appreciatd

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