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2016 F-150 evo all can not program new key

I have 2016 F-150 my remote starter is Evo-all programed with Autostar fob. I got new Auto star fob or remote and I tried many ways to program it but it did not work at all. When I connect to Flashlink to my computer it does mention there is 1 key only. Please I need help ?


2017 Ford F-150 Unlock not working but lock does?

EVO-ALL works for start and lock but not unlock. Programmed for double pulse unlock but still no unlock. Help?


2011 F-150 XLT, Can EVO ALL be programmed to start vehicle with lock, unlock, lock key fob sequence?

If so, is this done with the flash link updater?


Remote start no heat

Hi, I just bought an evo-all with fort 3 harness for my 2017 F-150 2.7leb. Remote start works well and I enabled climate control and rear defrost with Forscan, but climate control center is dark and off until I insert the key. Climate control is manual. Tried all settings no luck. What am I missing?


EvoALL to turn on HVAC (Heater/Ac) rear defrost/mirrors on 2013 F150?

Have a Fortin EVO ALL on my 2013 F150. can it be used to tap into the OEM cabin sensor and allow for the AC and/or heater to be turned on when remote start is activated? Same thing with rear defrost and mirrors on cold days. the OEM remote start allows for this. Can the EVO ALL? if so, how do I proceed? Joe


2013 f150 trbl

when i get to step 4 blue lights flash rapidly then go all yellow.the unit worked for awhile then stopped working

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