Installed and programmed the Evo all with Thar-gm1v2 harness into my 2013 Cruze. Worked for a day and only once in awhile then stopped. Checked all the wiring and plugs, no broken wires or loose plugs. The Evo all module won't power on. I unhooked everything to start over new as if installing for the first time. When holding the programming button and hooking up the 4 pin black connector the unit does not cycle through the LED lights as it did originally. Also the unit always seemed to respond slowly when it would work. For instance I had to hit the lock button 4x not 3x to work the remote start feature and you have to press it rather slowly to get it to work. The blue LED would not always light up as if it didn't receive the signal to lock. In all the videos I've seen of this exact model and car they all could lock the car quickly with only three presses of the lock button and it would work. Is this a faulty module or what?