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Nitro will not start almost a year later

I have a 2007 dodge nitro that worked perfectly when i installed it in january of 2016 , now when i press my remote 3 times it takes a while to register and when it does it tries to start very faintly but doesnt start. Im sure its a real simple solution and my wife has loved it so far , just needed some help on resovlving this issue. Thanks for your help


2008 Nitro. Do I need a brake switch input ?

I dont see a brake pedal switch hookup for this system like I have with other systems. Do I need one ?


Do i need a hood pin for my evo-chrt5 kit?

I purchased the evo-chat5 for my 2007 dodge nitro, do i need anything else or a hood pin?


ignition out from crimestopper sp 502

I am installing a crimestopper sp 502 with a chr t5 on a 2009 dodge nitro, do I need to install a diode on the yellow wire coming from the t-harness so that the alarm/remote start does not back feed the unit? or do I just hook up the 2 yellows to the pink directly? this is my last connection everything else is finished, I have read horror stories about people burning up ignitions dont want that. I am using d2d and thepink wire is labeled ignition 1. thanks


Diode on ignition wire?

2009 dodge nitro, evo-chrt5 and crimestoppeer sp-502. Do I need to install a diode on the yellow ignition wire?


Dodge Nitro 2011 "Heat" 4x4 with Advanced Keys install

I am getting a Advanced Keys (http://advancedkeys.com) setup that, as per the manual says, hooks up directly to a Fortin EVO-CHR + T Harness(T2). Now this manual is pretty old, say back in 2007 or so, and now a lot seems to have changed.


The guide on this website points to the THAR-CHR5 as the box i would need for my car. However, i dont see much of the color wires the same (and output locations) as it has in the manual i got from Advanced Keys.


Could anyone from Fortin be so kind in re-working this setup in the manual below so it points to the correct wires for the THAR-CHR5 instead of the EVO-CHR + T Harness(T2)?


I also would like to know what letter (A, B, or C) I would need to choose once I start installing it with the Advanced Keys kit. I see i have 3 options for my Nitro:

(1) With Data-Link
(2) Without Data-Link
(3) Stand alone


RS232/USB/Arduino communication from PC to EVO ALL

I am wondering if the EVO ALL can be hooked up to a microcomputer (arduino) via UART or using an RS232/USB to a computer? I am wanting to control my canbus in my 2011 Dodge Nitro Heat 4x4 like windows up/down, door locks, RPMs, Break, etc. Is this possible using the EVO ALL (http://ifar.ca/en/vehicles/dodge/nitro/2011/) that your company offers?


If thats not possible can i get any type of RF remote and program the buttons to, say, unlock the door, lock the door, etc?


Also, is there a push button start for this car?



11 nitro no range

11 nitro stand alone is there a range extender avaliable


2011 Didge Nitro won't remote start after install.

I have a 2011 Didge Nitro and installed an evo-all and thar-char5. Installed everything except the parking light and external input and went thru the program procedure. Followed every step and and blue led turned off after hitting the lock button(means programmed right?). Tried hitting the lock button 3x but the car didn't try to start. What do I do?

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