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2011 ford F150 (evo-for1) can't program module cont.


001A06 726984


Further to my other post, http://fortin.ca/en/qa/82485/2011-ford-f150-evo-fort1-cant-programing-unit

I have tried to do what Robb suggested.  I’ve followed all the steps (red connector [D] NOT plug in) , however I was able to make it to step 8 (a) when  Blue & Red Led flashed 10X, Wait, wait , and wait FOREVER, NO Blue LED flash.  (HOW LONG SHOULD IT TAKE for the module to switch to flashing blue?)

I gave up and  Turn off the key and try again 3X no luck, when and reset the evoall, re-flashed, NO luck neither .

Follow the troubleshoot, swap C3&C4 location {Can hi, low} , still the module did not program, can’t pass step 8A.

Also every time I tried programing the Evo with the RED connector plug-in, the ignition keep latched.

I am really stuck now, Any help is greatly appreciated. 

Also i forgot to mentioned, I have tried to reflash the module to a Stand Alone (3X lock) and the programing still didn't get pass step 8A.

Also the service number above has F2 which is now on. 


​This evo-for1 will be feeding the compustart CM5000. 



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