I finally got everthing hooked up (got really bad wiring info from vendor, using EVO guide 34041, I manage to connect all none dotted lines) holding programming button, I connected the 4 wire black conenctor (attached to crimestooer RS4), I relase the button when both blue and red LED came on (1st I waited and thought it will stop on its own with blue and red LED on but it never did, it just kept rotating) connected rest of the wires, I press the programming button 3X and nothing happens, I tried many times and same. The module and remote start supposedly came pre-programmed and paired, I am not sure if it was done right because they sent me a diagram for none push start, also, just for the hack of it, I tried the programming for the "key" version and it went through (obviously it will not work because mine is push start), i went back to all the wiring and all are good (all soldered). please help.
I also connected door lock wire to EVO-ALL but guide shows is for SE modle only, since it did not work, I cut off the wires for now, is it needed? it is also hooked up to CS-RS4