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Honda G M (16170Pts.)


key override all

Hello. Today I set the key override for the 2009 fit. When programming for the second pressing on the valet button, the LED began to flash, but was programmed. When we start the engine remotely. then it also flashes constantly. What's the matter?


Constant beep after key is removed and door opened

After parking my 05 handa civic (manual) turning the car off and removing the key, I open my door and there is this constant beep. It will stop when the door gets closed the beep stops. When opened again it continues.


How do we pair Prostart starter with Key-Overide-All?

I have à Prostart starter with a Key-Overide-All and my car is an Honda Civic 2007. All my wires and connections are ok. The key is program with the page18 of the manual, where you disconnect and connect the pins and press the button x time so the lights goes on and off and everything is ok. When I press on my Prostart remote the motor is cranking but doesn’t start. Is there something special I have to do to pair the Prostart with the Fortin?


Hooked where??? What does the blue wire get attached to???

08 Honda CRV. Instructions show "(-) While running" with an arrow pointing to a remote. What exactly does that mean??? What should that blue wire be attached to?

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