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Dcryptor complete but All lights Flash on Evo All during install

Dcryptor was down yesterday. Today I was able to get Dcryptor to complete and update. I also tried unchecking the auto update box and manually selecting update. During install all lights on the Evo All flash and I am unable to remote start.


Can the parking light wire be hooked up to another source?

I have a 2010 Ram 2500 with gas engine. I have a set of Rock lights underneath my truck for an awesome look when it is parked. Can I hook up the Signal wire from the 20 pin harness of a EVO-CHRT4 to these lights instead of to the parking lights? these Rock lights draw 4.5 amps. Could I connect the signal wire to the ground of these rock lights?


Parking Lights Resistor

On my 2005 dodge dakota installed evo one and it all works properly however my parking lights keep going off as ther resistor fails. I used a 1.5k ohm 1/2watt metal film resistor. Should i use a higher watt resistor or type of resistor such as carbon film?


Parking Lights Resistor

On my 2005 dodge dakota installed evo one and it all works properly however my parking lights keep going off as ther resistor fails. I used a 1.5k ohm 1/2watt metal film resistor. Should i use a higher watt resistor or type of resistor such as carbon film?

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