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Nitro will not start almost a year later

I have a 2007 dodge nitro that worked perfectly when i installed it in january of 2016 , now when i ...Read more


2008 Nitro. Do I need a brake switch input ?

I dont see a brake pedal switch hookup for this system like I have with other systems. Do I need o ...Read more


Do i need a hood pin for my evo-chrt5 kit?

I purchased the evo-chat5 for my 2007 dodge nitro, do i need anything else or a hood pin?


ignition out from crimestopper sp 502

I am installing a crimestopper sp 502 with a chr t5 on a 2009 dodge nitro, do I need to install a d ...Read more


Diode on ignition wire?

2009 dodge nitro, evo-chrt5 and crimestoppeer sp-502. Do I need to install a diode on the yellow ig ...Read more


Dodge Nitro 2011 "Heat" 4x4 with Advanced Keys install


RS232/USB/Arduino communication from PC to EVO ALL

I am wondering if the EVO ALL can be hooked up to a microcomputer (arduino) via UART or using ...Read more


11 nitro no range

11 nitro stand alone is there a range extender avaliable


2011 Didge Nitro won't remote start after install.

I have a 2011 Didge Nitro and installed an evo-all and thar-char5. Installed everything except the ...Read more

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