Hey ive been wanting to add a PKE system into my 2011 Chevy Camaro, specifically this one ( http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&vxp=mtr&item=251395582840 ) ive been researching what would be the best bypass module to buy for my Push Start and I came up your Evo All Unit but wanted to make sure it would work with what i want to get. I understand to simplify installation I can get the T-HarnessGM1v2 now this PKE System has an immobilizer bypass output wire...how would that wire connect to the EVo-All system in order for my push button to bypass security and start my vehicle?? Also the wire inputs coming from the PKE system like hood status, door pin status, door unlock/lock, trunk pin etc, would those wires connect to the EVO all system or would they connect directly to the vehicle wires. Thanks!!