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Why does my physical key not turn my ignition without the EVO-ONE installed?

2007 Nissan Maxima w/Intellikey Using a T-harness and a Evo-One. When the Evo-One is removed from the car, my physical key will not allow me to turn the ignition barrel. It is not a timed lockout as I let the car sit for over 24hrs without the Evo and I still could not use my physical key. If I plug NOTHING but the red connector into the Evo(not even the power cable), then I can use my physical key in my ignition barrel. Without the red harness connected, I can NOT use my physical key. However, my Intellikey still unlocks the barrel and starts the car just fine without the Evo installed, it's just my actual physical key that won't work. Why is this?

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