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CX-3 2018 is only remote starting when I am in the vehicle

I have the evo-one with the thar-one-maz3 harness. I have cut the yellow loop. On the bypass side I have verified that options A1-A11 & C1 are enabled. On the remote starter side I have enabled 38-5 When i try lock-unlock-lock in the car, it works on the second remote start attempt. It worked on the first attempt just once and after multiple tries after that it is taking two attempts, it turns on the radio etc then turns off, then there's a horn honk, then the interior electronics turn back on and the car starts. When i try this outside of the vehicle, i just hear the horn honk twice, about 30 seconds apart, an no starting occurrs. The car is within range of the keyfob as it is reacting to each lock-unlock-lock i push (within 8 seconds). I have tried pushing the lock unlock lock one second apart, then faster, then slower. I went and sat back inside the car to verify that lock unlock lock is starting it, after its second attempt. Any ideas? I am doing the lock-unlock-lock to avoid the unneeded horn honking so having it start on the second try after a horn honk is not ideal. But again that only works when I am sitting in the vehicle. It is not starting at all when I am outside of the vehicle.

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