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EVO-CAN's D2D problem

There is 2008 BMW 523LI. Customer has Viper5704v, EVOCAN, int bmw2. I config EVOCAN for D2D(F3) with newest firmware, other options are default. EVOCAN and 5704V linked by 4p data wire. All communication between them are down. I try trigger the purple of EVOCAN to GND, door is locked. That means EVOCAN communicates with Canbus well. But I press lock on remote, 5704's LED is on, but door not response. seems data is not forwared to evocan. or evocan reject them. Then I change to DLPK, everything works. Here are two questions: 1. Anything else should I do to make D2D work between Viper5704v and EVO-CAN? 2. How about EVO-ALL? does it D2D to Viper5704v? I dont really like DLPK. It shutdown engine by pressing brake.


TBGM2 wont work

I have a Chev Express with a EVO-CAN AND A FSA 216 STARTER It will start if I hold the key near the key barrel but not with the TBGM2 near the key barrel I have replaced all three items but still no luck and reprogrammed the new TBGM2 The starter parking lights flash 4 times but the starter is not in valet mode When the truck came in it had a message on the dash Service Detterent System but it doesn't now


EVO-CAN question

I have 2 Evo-can modules (i know they are discontinued) and when plugging the unit into the updated i see that there isn't an option to change the data protocol, is there a way to do this?

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