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Does using an OEM remote to control your alarm disable the other remotes?

2014 dodge dart viper 5704v Fortin Evo All I have finally gotten everything installed. Using d2d with the viper, I opted to let my car fob control my alarm, but I wanted to also be able to use my Viper fob, for some reason it stopped working. I then cleared my viper alarm using the procedure in the manual. I try to re-pair my viper alarm and fob and it fails every time. Does using your OEM fob to control your alarm void any other fobs?


I have an EvoAll with harness, will this work with Viper 5704v d2d?

I purchased the Fortin EVOALL CHR6 for my 2014 dodge dart. I also bought a5704v Viper alarm. Are these compatible via the D2D protocol? I flashed my Fortin with the right firmware and chose D2D as the protocol. Just double checking.

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