I just installed an EVO-ONE in my 2016 VW Golf GTI Push-to-Start manual transmission using the T-Harness (THAR-VW1). It was tedious, but it went well. The EVO-ONE can remote start the vehicle using the OEM remote (3x lock).
Then, I added the RF642W kit. Just plugged the black harness from the RF642W into the "data link antenna" port on the EVO-ONE. I can't get the 642 to do anything. I tried to program the remote transmitters but I cannot get the LED to come on. I don't have a valet switch installed, so I'm using the ignition on/off method. On-Off-On does not set the LED. I've just setting the ignition "on" off 3 times and starting/stopping the vehicle 3 times (the instructions assume you have a key, not push-to-start). Nothing.
What should I do?