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Suzuki Grand Vitara 2010, Evo all doesn’t program

hi, I just installed an evo all with a remote start crimestopper rs4-g5 on a regular key 2010 Suzuki Grand Vitara, the problem is that when I am doing the programming, it never goes beyond the fixed yellow light, (step 5) when I put the key in on position, the bypass never changes from the yellow light, I never get to program it. (bypass Evo all 2020) I tried programming with both keys (2 keys) and with neither function. Sn: 001A07 129726


Suzuki Grand Vitara 2008/11 Smart-Pass with Evo Key fw v1.07

Hello! I've connected the Evo-Key v1.07 as in your cheme, progammed it succesfully (the yellow indicator blinked). But the autostart works only 1 of 3 times. The other 2 times the starter runs, but the engine doesn't start. While starting, both of indicators (red & yellow) constantly glow. Maybe the new firmware will help? Or shorten the length of original wires? Could you send me the correct firmware? Please, help!

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