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Driver door unlocks after engine starts Subaru outback

Just installed t harness on 2016 Subaru outback and after engine starts it unlocks the driver door


Camry 2011 Driver Door unlocks itself after remote start activated 1 minute

I have a Camry 2011 with keyless entry (standard key). I am having an issue with my driver door keeps unlock itself after remote start activated 1 minute. I have EVO-One (SN: 002B0147175) firmware 79.59 installed with T-Harness. I have spent 5 hours to look for a soluation to fix this problem, but no luck yet. Please help me. Any suggestions, it would be helpful. for firmware flashing, I have reached to the limit :(


2013 Impreza with eco one and rfw642 will not lunlock door when remote started.

Hello! I just installed an evo one on a 2013 Impreza. My problem is when I remote start the vehicle the rf kit will not unlock the doors. It works fine when it’s not on. I’ve checked all wires many times and they’re all connected properly. When I press the fob when the car is on, there is no blue light lighting up but it beeps and the lights flash like they normally do. The oem remote will unlock the door when it’s remote started but will not turn it off with 3xlock.

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